what is zika virus symptoms | zika virus baby | zika virus

Hi guys! what is zika virus symptoms and treatment mostly zika virus occurs in new born babies. zika virus spreads due to the Aedes Mosquito. There are many diseases spread due to this viurs, like small size of head/brain, fever, joint pains, skin rashes, headache etc.


Chohan Health Care is about all disease information and latest virues, bacteria, disease, vaccines and their treatments. Please subscribe my channel. In complicated conditions unfortunately the treatment is not discovered yet. in normal conditions the pain killer and antipyretic medicines are given. The connection zika virus and baby is that this viurs is attacks in pregnancy so its effect the baby. ======================================================= chohan health care channel link (Youtube) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOLv... ====================================================== Facebook Page Link https://www.facebook.com/Chohan-Healt... ====================================================== Google + https://plus.google.com/u/0/100590915... ====================================================== Twitter https://twitter.com/CareChohan ====================================================== Blog https://chohanhealthcare.blogspot.com/ ====================================================== Instagram https://www.instagram.com/chohanhealt... 


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